

Katherine is a critically acclaimed director of documentaries and drama. She began her career making primetime, international films tackling difficult issues for BBC, ITV and Channel 4. These included ‘Who Killed My Dad? The Death of Terry Lloyd’ for ITV (following the daughter of a journalist as she meets the person responsible for killing her father in Iraq), ‘The Police’s Dirty Secret’ for Channel 4 (the astonishing story of how the police spied on the family of Stephen Lawrence and women were deceived into long-term relationships, including having children, with police spies) and ‘Inside the American Embassy’ for Channel 4 (following Trump’s ambassador to London during a critical political period).

She has directed across every continent including in hostile environments in Africa, South America and the Middle East and her films have had lasting impact on important issues including being instrumental in the launching of the public inquiry into secret policing in the UK.

Recently she has directed ‘Aung San Suu Kyi: The Fall of an Icon’ for BBC, 2nd unit on Killing Eve and three episodes of the latest series of ‘Grantchester’ for ITV/PBS. She also has a feature in development with Bankside Films and Archface Films based on one of her documentaries.

